Monday, March 14, 2011

What I Wore ..

i guess you could call what im wearing overalls? pants suit? not really sure what to call it but i wore it anyways. not the easiest thing to wear when you are as big of a water drinker like i am. every time i went to pee i always pictured someone accidentally walking in on me and me sitting there in my bra. scary right? i know. my mom actually bought this little get up for me about a year ago and i had been battling where to wear it, what shoes to wear with it, or the big question .. how to wear it. it came with a belt that was the same color as the outfit itself but i opted with a black belt instead to match with my shoes and also to break it up a little. the cool thing about this is when ever your pants are falling down you just have to shrug your shoulders and tada! pants are back in place.

earrings: forever21
necklace: venice beach
belt: urban outfitters
bangle: forever21?
shoes: steve madden

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